things are not always what they appear

yesterday it looked like a beautiful layer of fresh snow covered my back yard
when I went out and walked to the shed I found out differently
the white that glistened was layers of sleet and ice
when I scraped it off my car windows it looked like snow cone ice
if I'd had some sweet, thick, sticky, flavored syrup, I might have made one

I listened to little prickles of ice bounce off of things all evening
as I sat at my computer last night I realized what I heard was different-
how in the world was it raining when the temperature was below 30?
I grabbed my warm raincoat with an attached hood and went outside
there was ice buildup on top of one of heating units
when I got back inside I discovered a disappointing truth
my sleeves and back were wet so it isn't a warm waterproof jacket

today the sun shone bright for a few hours
the sky was blue
it was absolutely beautiful
it looked warm and inviting
but it was a cold 18 degrees with wind making it colder still

these storms are reminding me that things are not always what they appear
seeds must be buried and die before they become what they are designed to be
heat under ore is not for punishment, but for refining
pressure is not for destruction, but for shaping
the night is darkest just before dawn
feelings are not reliable measures of truth and they make poor counselors
some of my greatest blessings have come from deep pain

some people around here have been without electricity for nearly a week
and tonight the city of Grayson is still, mostly, without power
it could look completely hopeless, but it isn't 
the power of love and human kindness is working overtime
people with power are freely sharing with those who have none
people with resources are not hoarding
people are reaching out and taking care of one another

love in action is a beautiful thing to see


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