driven to our knees for Judah

This sweet baby boy is the grandson of a dear younger friend, Amy, whom I've known since we moved to Grayson in 1988. She used to babysit our kids. I watched his momma, Emily grow up, choose to follow Jesus and mature in Him, leading others, as a musician and singer, to join her in worship. I got to know and love his daddy through KCU camp team training and seeing Andrew mature has also been a treat. 

I am asking everyone who reads this post and is a praying person to pray for Judah. For his family. For those who love Judah, Emily, Andrew, Amy and the other members of their family. For the medical professionals who are deciding what tests to run, those who are reading results and those who will be making a treatment plan. 

for more details you can read what Andrew posted this afternoon (Monday February 1,2021):

"Over the past couple months there has been a spot on Judah’s neck that has continued to grow and become larger and larger over time. Initially we were told that it was his lymph node, so we assumed our baby boy was just sick for awhile. We continued to get more and more concerned and continued to take him to the doctor’s the bigger it got. And additionally his little left eye began to slump and his pupil stopped dilating during all of this.
Well my amazing wife
with her amazing mom instincts really felt like there was more to this bump. So we took him to the emergency room last night, not really knowing what to expect. They had to do some blood work and got a CT scan done. Well we found out that sadly, that lump on his neck is not his lymph node, but a tumor. So this absolutely shocked and terrified us beyond anything.
Today we were able to hear from some doctor’s, who believe with 95% certainty that this tumor is a type of cancer called neuroblastoma. We won’t know the extent of it or for sure if it is this type of cancer until after tomorrow when Judah has a MRI and a biopsy on the tumor.
Meanwhile, during all this, I wasn’t allowed to be with Emily or Judah in the hospital because of COVID. I know I typically don’t post about my emotions on Facebook, but the past 24 hours have been an absolute living nightmare.
I was finally able to see Emily this afternoon, but I can’t see Judah unless we switch places in the hospital, in which Emily won’t be allowed back into the hospital for 24 hours.
This isn’t my preferred way of informing people of this information, but it is easier.
Thank you to everyone that has reached out so far, we both appreciate it and love you.
Please be praying for Judah and Emily as they are still in the hospital. Pray for God to lay his healing hand on our baby and to stay with us during this time."


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