
I was fearful my white pine might not make it because of damage it suffered from being iced over in the first of what ended up being three storms in two weeks. I am happy to report it didn't suffer any additional damage so I think it is going to be okay. I will still have a professional look at it later this spring, but tonight I am hopeful rather than fearful.


The limbs didn't ask for the burden they were carrying, but for a time it was theirs to bear. Sunshine and much warmer temperatures this week melted away the encumbrance of layers of ice and snow. The branches bounced back to their normal position. Tonight as I looked at the pictures taken two weeks apart, I was in awe of the difference. 
And I thought about how refreshing it is when burdens are lifted.

If you feel like my tree looks in those first pictures, especially if you are laden with weight you didn't ask for, that you had no control over assuming, I am praying for sunshine and warmth to lighten your load. And if I can be part of the solution, please let me know. I don't want to see anyone break if there is something I can do to help prevent it.

"Blessed be the Lord, who daily bears our burden, 
the God who is our salvation." Selah (rest)
Psalm 68:19

"Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ." Galatians 6:2


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