taking an unexpected hit

earlier this afternoon I entered a building I've been in thousands of times
to do a job I've done for years
I opened a door I've opened hundreds of times
and today,
out of the blue,
for the very first time, 
it hit me hard

the door hit me, 
the edge of it glancing off of my face
more accurately,
since it is inanimate,
I ran into the edge of the door)

it hurt
a lot
I was a little nauseous from the impact
and I shook my head as I backed up,
wondering what in the world had just happened
I was afraid to look in a mirror
five hours later I am still sporting a bump and a headache 
(I'd like to say that broom moved and caused the door to bounce back unexpectedly, 
but I think this experience was all my own doing. I wish I knew how I managed that trick so I could avoid a repeat performance.)

this isn't the first time I've been going about my business,
blissfully unaware of danger ahead,
it's not the first time an unexpected blow has caused me to stop,
take a breath and shake my head to get my bearings
and since I refuse to just sit,
because I prefer to live rather than just be alive,
it probably won't be the last.

door 2
Donnette 0
hopefully this was our only matchup


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