wondering what happened to my hands...

This evening while I was typing I saw hands I didn't recognize. I am here by myself. There are no ghosts, well, except the Holy Ghost who lives inside of me, but there were hands I hadn't seen before on my keyboard.  

I looked a second time-there is no denying the truth. I have old people hands. 
Even raising them in the air to take a picture from a different angle did not erase the wrinkles and evidence of arthritis in my fingers.

I'm not sure, but I think the change must have happened while I was busy living each day as best as I knew how. It happened while I was raising my children who are now adults. My youngest child will be 29 this year. It happened while my children were becoming parents. I have a granddaughter who will be 21 in July and later in that same month we are expecting the newest addition to our tribe-a baby girl. 
It all happened so fast. So very fast. 

Lotion might help a little, but nothing is going to erase the aging process. So I think I'll continue to focus on the full life that is at hand rather than be distracted by what is happening to my hands...


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