the neverending story...

 A friend gave me this bookmark (and a box of Russell Stover chocolates) for Christmas. The chocolate was a delicious treat and I enjoyed it while it lasted, but this bookmark is my favorite of the two items. There have been books I've read that this bookmark wouldn't have served any purpose for because they were "quick reads", ones I finished in a sitting. There have been many books I have read a few paragraphs or pages of before quickly realizing it was not something I needed or wanted to invest any more time in, so I closed them. There are books I needed it for because I couldn't get through them in a sitting. Some I struggled through, not necessarily enjoying, but because I started the book and felt I needed to finish it. Several got better as they went along and I was glad to have persevered. A few never got better, but I had the satisfaction of completing what I began. Then there are those books, or series, that are compelling but are too much, either in volume or content, to take in at one sitting. I've needed a bookmark and this one is perfect.

I recently finished the book this was marking my place in. It is currently resting on my Amish made table. When I sat down to get some work done my eye was drawn to it. And I smiled from the inside out because in a flash I saw this as a commentary on my life and on the lives of so many that I know and love. There are "easy" portions to read, ones we are eager to enjoy. There are also "hard" parts where conflict and drama and pain and suffering reside before resolution.  "To be continued" gives us hope and courage to go one. Even those who are in their last days here on earth. Why?  Because for those who are in a relationship with Jesus, we have crossed over from death to life and our last breath here is our first breath in heaven. The Author and Perfecter of faith has been, currently is and always will be weaving our story into God's story. There will always be a new page. There will always be a "next chapter". My story-your story-His story- each one is "to be continued".

"fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God." Hebrews 12:2

"For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain." Philippians 1:21 


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