when is _________ enough?

 When is 45 degrees warm enough 

to leave the back door open and sit on the couch, enjoying it?
for me,
this afternoon it is
maybe it has something to do with many, many gray days this winter
maybe it has something to do with walking, then working in the back yard
or finding this single crocus in my front flower bed promising to open soon
whatever your "when is _______ enough"
I pray that you are able to take action
or stand firm
whichever will honor the Lord and is appropriate for your circumstance,
especially if it goes against what is commonly accepted/expected


  1. Your question is perplexing. I don't know what to put in there. When grief is enough, when Joy is enough, when compassion is enough? I just don't know what word or words to put in there.

    1. I don't think there is one right answer. And I think we all have several different things we can put in in there. Love you brother


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