what's in a name?

Back in July I found a book at the thrift store that peaked my interest,
and because of the way my mind works,
my first thought was is that a real last name?
Especially with the title, 
I was skeptical. 
I wondered if there was intentional irony or sarcasm at play.
I decided to investigate before investing reading time.
Turns out the the author's name is Malarky. 
And the story was malarky. 
False, presented as true. 
I wonder how many people were turned away from faith by it.

 A few weeks ago I saw a crockpot recipe book at the thrift store.
(We get tons of donations of all kinds. My area of sorting and organizing is books.)
I brought it home.
Last night I picked it up off of the counter to take to a friend
and noticed the authors names.
For a cookbook,
Good and Ranck might be an unfortunate combination!

Tonight as I was thinking about those books and their authors a verse came to mind:
"A good name is to be more desired than great wealth,
Favor is better than silver and gold." Proverbs 22:1
Everything we do (or don't do) has a ripple effect.
I want to be careful with my choices
because reclaiming a good name is an extremely difficult task.
And when people see my name,
I don't want anyone to feel duped or be turned away from Jesus.


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