plodding is still moving

Current situation: I am not "feeling" very motivated. Many days I walk, not because I have even an iota of desire to lace up and get out of the house, but because I've made a commitment to myself to take better care of my physical health and walking is part of that plan. Walking is always easier when the sun is shining and the sky is blue. One thing I have traditionally appreciated most about moving from Northern Ohio to NE Kentucky is the weather. Normally spring comes about a month earlier, fall lasts about a month longer and wintry days in NE Ky though they may still be cold,  boast skies that are most often a crystal clear blue unlike Akron, Ohio where winter skies are well known for being gray. Normally. This winter we've had so many gray days here I've been confused about where I am. Yesterday was a KY winter day. Today, the sky was once again completely gray cloud covered. The browns were duller and as I passed the cemetery I stopped to take a picture. My "mood" matched the drabness.  

I kept plodding along. One foot in front of the other. Praying. Thinking. Praying some more. Holding on to the truth that even though I couldn't see the sun, I knew it was there. If it wasn't, there would be no light at all and I would be in total darkness. That thought made me shudder so I concentrated more on what I know to be true. The chorus from Way Maker began to circle through my head; "even when I can't see it You're working...You never stop, You never stop working...". My weighed down heart lifted and my steps got lighter. When I was almost home the sun began to peek out, almost as if God was smiling at me for holding onto truth when it felt like everything around me was trying to keep it covered. Above the gray, the blue I like to see and the sun I was hoping to see, was there. They always are.

Friend, if you too are struggling on these gray days I hope you are encouraged by the truth I was reminded of today. The Son is always near, at work, even when circumstances or situations keep me from being able to "see" Him. The evidence of His presence is all around, it's just harder to recognize on some days.


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