when the power goes out

10:15 pm Monday
and just like that, 
I join the masses who are without power...
I am smiling because it is only minutes old,
I am in a safe place
I was able to be prepared, even as I hoped I wouldn't need to be
I have everything I need 

tonight, as I sit in the almost dark,
in a house without the usual hum of electrical things running
I find I am more thankful than usual for:
a wood burning stove insert
pinecones, gathered in the fall, to use as kindling
seasoned wood from a woodpile delivered in late summer
paper to help get the pinecones lit (they got a little wet)
a home that has good windows and decent insulation
cozy blankets
the crackle and pop of a fire going good

I am thankful for friends who've texted today
ones who invited me to ride out the newest storm front at their house
one who contacted me just minutes after the power went off 
they'd been led to pray for me, not knowing I'd just lost electricity
one who wanted to make sure I was okay and had a heat source tonight

I'm thankful for: 
those who chose professions that put them in harm's way 
to keep us safe and comfortable
the linemen who've been working to restore power from our last wintry go around
the ones who are out working now 

I'm thankful for those who are and have been out in this mess:
staffing medical facilities
making deliveries
grocery clerks
drug store employees
gas station workers
and so many more who put our needs before their own

I'm thankful for those who've provided safe, warm places for those who had none
for those who've donated food and other supplies to make shelters possible
for those who've offered comfort and food to those who've been working for us

you know, we tend to take a lot of things and a lot of people for granted
I encourage you to decide now to do something that might be foreign to you
the next time you see one of those people, thank them
it won't cost you anything but time
and will probably make a world of difference to them

also, please pray for those:
who are listed above
who've been without power for days now
who are homeless, with no safe place to go
who are dealing with anxiety/depression which is magnified by this weather


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