Oreo minis and Nutter Butter bites

Oreo minis is one treat I allow myself to buy occasionally.
It is a safer option than a whole package of regular Oreos
because I have little self control and I can't be trusted with a  full package.
Normally I eat one container of the minis in a sitting
but this time I paced myself and enjoyed them more. 
This one lasted me through four evenings!
I think I actually tasted each one that I put in my mouth.

When I bought the oreo's I decided to pick up these too:

In my humble opinion, mini Oreos taste like regular Oreos, just smaller.
I like Nutter Butter cookies but won't buy them for the same reason I don't buy Oreos.
I'd not tried Nutter Butter bites.
I finished the last few Oreos tonight.
I wanted just a little more sweetness.
I opened the bites, hoping for a similar experience as I get with Oreos.
I was disappointed.

In my humble opinion,
Nutter Butter bites are not even close to Nutter Butter cookies.
After the first one I thought "I am going to throw these away."
I was on my computer.
I tried another cookie.
It was no better.
I kept on with my scrolling, looked down and realized I had eaten all but four bites.

I still don't like them and my belly aches.

When, oh when will I learn from my experiences?
I have no business eating from a container.
I need to put a portion in a bowl.
I don't need to be eating while I am busy doing something else.
Tomorrow is a new day to try again. 
Two sources of temptation are gone.
And I don't need to replace the one I enjoyed.


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