All Roads Lead Home

Two months ago my children, grandchildren and one of the son-in-laws were together with my husband and I in one place at the same time.The significance of this event is that I have six children and seven grandchildren and only Jonathan, Andrew and Ruth live in Grayson.

Sarah lives in Illinois with her husband Kourtney and their three daughters Noell, Kaelyn and Korah.

Elizabeth lives in Cincinnati with her husband Mike and their children Hannah, Chloe and Cristian.

Deborah and her husband David live in Kyrgyzstan (a small country that borders China) with Abigail.

Beth and Sarah had a milestone birthday in April and they, along with their husbands, willingly paid part of the cost to make a visit with Deborah and Abigail possible for our whole family. What a gift!

No matter where they live, all the roads they travelled led them home.

God paid an unbelievable price so that we can each choose to travel home. Our road may not be the same one that our siblings travel, but because we are His, our roads will have the same destination.


  1. God is amazing how He does it but all roads lead home is exactly true, the greatest gift given to me is the smiles of the ones I love when we all come together and enjoy each other. Thank you


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