Unexpected Bumps in the Road

Cruising- that is what I thought was going to be my life today.
I knew I had a soccer booster meeting in my home at 6:00, but that still gave me the whole day to spend with my daughter and three granddaughters who are visiting from Illinois.

Bump 1- a 9:15 phone call from someone who wanted me to be part of a committee. Committees are just another name for torture in my vocabulary. I was able to beg off using my visitors as an excuse/reason to decline attending the 12:00 meeting.

Bump 2- A 10:00 text from a friend who asked if I wanted to go check on the signs we use as a fund raiser so that we could let our parents know which ones we were going to have to replace due to wind damage last fall. Great idea.

Life from 11:00 to 1:00 got just a little crazy. I don't remember how many bumps we encountered in that 2 hour period. Long story short- our thirty 4'x8' cloraplast advertising signs that cost close to $100 a piece were no where to be found. We had put them in the storage building after our season ended. Had someone moved them? A half a dozen phone calls let us know that our fears were realized. We were going to have to replace every one of them.

Another half a dozen phone calls and a short drive led us to a happy ending. We found someone who was willing to replace our signs with better ones for less than what we paid for new signs a year ago!

Today I was reminded to not get distracted or defeated by the bumps. Keep going. Be faithful to what you know to be right- and sometimes the bumpy road leads to a beautiful place. We are excited- all new, matching signs will be lining our fence this fall!


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