
I was just the victim of being blindsided.

It is a beautiful day and I have the doors open, enjoying the sun shine and cooler temperatures, relaxing- and the phone rang.

A mother from the boys soccer team called with a couple of questions. One dealt with fundraising. (I am the girls booster president.) We were on the phone for about ten minutes and when the conversation was over I hung up nicely- and promptly threw my phone to the other end of the couch in anger/hurt/frustration. She is adamantly opposed to the way things are in a certain area and I was the target for her venting/sniping. Nothing I said calmed her. I did not set the policy in that is in place, I have simply followed the guidelines I was given. I asked a question similar to hers last year and was quickly informed that "this is the way it has always been done."

Change is never easy or a"peal"ling. (poor pun, I know, but I couldn't resist). I agree with what she wants to see happen. Not so much with the way she handled things today, but I share her passion for the program to advance.

I am praying that I did not react in kind, but that I acted/spoke kindly.

And now I am going to put on some shoes, go for a walk and salvage the rest of this beautiful summer day.


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