
My daughter Deborah, her husband and their baby girl, Abigail, live in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. My geography and interest in world happenings has improved since they moved there a year ago.

Kyrgyzstan is a small country that borders China. We have a military base there that our troops fly through when they go to Afghanistan. This April the government there was overthrown. Last week ethnic fighting broke out in Osh which is about 7 hours south of where they are. Last Friday there were rumors something terrible might happen in Bishkek on Tuesday so we started praying. It has been a peaceful week- and I am convinced the prayers of many have helped with that. Today the US Embassy sent out a precautionary e-mail advising US citizens to avoid large crowds, stay close to home, have an emergency bag and a bag with a weeks worth of clothes packed as well as full gas tank, cell phones fully charged, etc. until a political vote is over Sunday. Again, no solid evidence, but rumors.

Rumors are powerful things.

They destroy-





and the list could go on and on.

I know that my family is safe- because the God we serve is the same everywhere His children are. They would be in as much danger in the US as they are there. My mommy heart wants to hug them close, but my Christian sister heart rests in knowing that God loves us and wants what is best for us. And if they go home to Him, I will see them again. I am trusting each of us to His care.
I am more aware of the importance of the truth because of the power of rumors to disrupt lives.

"Lord, set a guard over my mouth and keep watch over the door to my lips". From Psalms.


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