Stretching is an interesting and sometimes uncomfortable experience, but it is necessary if we want to remain flexible. Just ask my hamstrings...one complained rather loudly the other day when I slipped and my leg went a little farther than it is accustomed to! Once upon a time, long, long ago, I could get up and go all day without stopping. Now if I don't stop when I get up and do my back stabilization exercises I move very slowly and stiffly by evening.
Today was a different kind of stretching- the type that started a year and a half ago when I was voted president of the ECHS Girls Soccer Booster Club. I was re-elected in November. The mother who home schooled her children until at least 7th grade and preferred sitting on the sidelines is now the leader of a group of parents who, for the most part, have been heavily vested in support programs for their girls!

Last year we did two business lunches, fundraisers we enjoyed and wanted to repeat. Today was the day to pass out order forms. I don't like talking to strangers which is why I make the 30 pounds of pulled pork. Going out isn't "my thing". We had a list of 75 businesses, one senior, two sophomores and our VP. Too much for four people. I will do a lot of stuff for my kids that I would never do for myself, so I took one of the sophomores, a stack of order forms and away we went. My plan was for her to talk and I would hand out the forms. When we got in the car I discovered she is more uncomfortable talking to strangers than I am! Two hours later the five of us had handed out 80-100 order forms. That will be a lot of pulled pork. It was a lot of talking to people I don't know, but when I relaxed ML and I had fun.

I wonder how many wonderful things I miss because I am not flexible.
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