scairdy cat -errr I mean puppy

I took Maximus out to do his business and the neighbor's air conditioner kicked on- and Maximus ran! As I watched him I was laughing at how funny it is to watch the reactions of babies- be they 2 or 4 legged to new things. Being afraid of a noise- how silly.

Then I heard a quiet voice in my head ask "What about the things you are afraid of-like saying hi to new people; asking for help because you don't want to be a bother; of having low expectations so that you don't get disappointed." I will stop the list there.

Ouch. Sometimes the truth hurts.


  1. well I totally understand that asking for help and the low expectations but I have never had a problem saying hi to anyone:) Ironically when I pray for the strength in those situations or courage I feel AS though I get more to handle which only means growth :)

  2. I can say "hi" in passing pretty comfortably- it's when the "hi" might lead to trying to have a conversation that sometimes gets a little iffy :) It has gotten easier with practice...

  3. i dont know that side of you bc you came up to me and thats how we started talking God brought you into my life remember it was in KCC cafe I was trying to get home bc my grandma died my car had a flat tire, you came up to me and tried to help and then you called me that late night to pray. I was sure blessed


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