
Yesterday Sarah gave me one of the things I wanted for my birthday by helping me get 90% of the boxes and stuff that was in my attic down so I could sort through it. (We have watched hoarders a couple of times while she has been here.) Of the ten boxes left up there I knew I would be keeping at least three of them "as is".

As I went through the collection, Sarah came in to keep me company. We laughed at some of the finds, oohed and aah ed over part of it and quickly trashed more than I thought I would.

Memories. Sweet memories. That is what I want for myself and my, I went through boxes and bags full of STUFF and got rid of the junk and useless or meaningless.

As I sit here tonight, I am asking God to sort through my thoughts, memories and attitudes (my mental attic). I am asking Him to remove the ugly and unnecessary so that the words I speak and the actions I choose help create sweet memories for all of us.


  1. wow I think that I need to ask God to sort thru my thought and memories more than I have the courage to do, What if the ugly is unable to be removed ;)

  2. Is anything too hard for God? I guess that depends on how big you allow God to be in your life. Love you sweet Pansy

  3. that is true....... Life is complicated Love u More

  4. we tend to make it more complicated than it needs to be...and your last statement isn't possible- I love you the most :)


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