what was I thinking?

I like to have people in my home.

I like to cook for people.
So when Andrew asked me if I could cook for his group of 40 people who are at KCU for Summer in the Son, I said "I'd love to."
Spaghetti, salad, bread, brownies, ice cream, home made chocolate sauce- oh, and I better make a white cake for those who don't like chocolate.

When the soccer boosters agreed to do another business lunch, I volunteered to make the pulled pork bbq. It is such an easy thing to make...
when you have twice as many orders than you've ever had
you have scheduled the luncheon for the day after feeding 40 people.

Thankfully my friend Francie volunteered her double ovens to bake 50 + pounds of pork loin. She and her daughter helped me pull the pork and mix in the secret ingredients...
I think I have pretty good friends!
(and I know I am getting too old to do two huge events back to back!)


  1. the kids loved it :) if that helps at all

  2. I loved having everyone here...wouldn't change anything if it meant not getting to have you and them come over!

  3. awww momma D how I miss the evenings at your house with your wonderful cooking:)


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