a good day

today was a "good" day
Kyle took the kids to Mcdonald's for a play date first thing this morning
Ruth and I got to share a bit of time alone together
we talked about the house-
our goal was to finish one bedroom today

things did not turn out like we planned
Ruth and Kyle ended up spending the day here
Xavier helped me clean a floor 
Ruth and Kyle were the muscle moving furniture
Jonathan was able to come late this afternoon to help

tally at day's end:
my dishwasher is back where it belongs
backer board is complete in the laundry room
paving the way for tile to be laid tomorrow
Jonathan took the extra with him to return for me
and made a list of what he needs to finish his part of the work
all of the bedrooms are put together
the playroom is together
the family room is as together as we can make it
everything that belongs in the sewing room is in the room
not put away yet, but at least it is not scattered anymore!

the stairs need built
there is baseboard and trim that need put up
I have some doors and trim to paint
the laundry room walls need repaired and painted
but I'd say the work is at least 90% done 

for the first time since I began this project 
I have absolutely no doubts about my decisions 
I chose the right things to do
as this day comes to a close 
I must say, it has been a very good day indeed


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