curiosity led to laughter

following a marathon of mostly mindless computer time until midnight
I remembered to do something I have been meaning to do for three weeks
after completing the neglected task
curiosity, fueled by a desire to avoid doing what comes next in my day
led to me to do a google search of my first name

google said they found about 850,000 results
the very first hit :
Donnette Name Meanings. What Does My Name Mean?
hmmm, that looked interesting so I clicked the link
it was more of a "you are are intuitive..." etc.
not really what I expected from a "what does your name mean?" site
when I looked at the tabs on the page I smiled 
"love calculator"; "destiny cards"; ..."tarot"...and the like
I wasn't interested in any of that so I moved on

the next two hits were links to the last two blogs I posted
midlife, it's a mystery
more than a smidgen
since I wrote them
I didn't click to read them

next up:
Urban Dictionary-

a female Don.
milly's a Donnette.
as defined by xxminnie_mousexx

Search Results

so I clicked on it and read the two paragraphs I found there

that is much more realistic
yep, I am a female Don
a boss
the best
(I say that totally tongue in cheek)

you think that's good? 
wait, it gets better
the next link was for a clothing line
Donnette Collection

from the website:
Hello Ladies,
Our names are Sarah and Sasha and we are the owners and creative visionaries behind Donnette Collection. We are excited to bring you the latest, most fabulous and on trend items in women’s fashion! Our clothing is inspired by our own personal fashion styles and is based on who we are as women and as “Donnettes”. While we both have similar tastes, we have our own individual style and we wanted a collection of women’s clothing to reflect each of us.
At Donnette Collection, we believe that it doesn’t have to cost a fortune to look truly amazing, and if you’re anything like us, you want something that is sexy and unique without breaking your bank. Afterall, variety is the spice of life, especially when it comes to your wardrobe!
Donnette Collection is not just a clothing brand, rather, being a Donnette is a way of life. So join us, and discover all the wonders of being a Donnette. Our weekly blog posts and Instagram will keep you up to date on the latest fashion trends, hottest places to go, and best beauty tips! Get to know us and we promise we won’t disappoint. Welcome to our world….
Sarah and Sasha  
 DONNETTE (noun) a female version of a Don. Synonyms: strong, classy, sexy, intelligent, loyal, a leader. Origin: Italian, Latin. Derivative of a Don {male counterpart}

1. as defined by Donnette Collection, Inc.    
Anyone who knows me personally is probably joining me on the floor,
rolling around,holding your sides as you laugh hysterically
especially if you googled the clothing line and took a peek-
their style definitely is not my style
I didn't see any jeans or t-shirts... was the last site I visited. They did have a fairly accurate audio pronunciation button and this image.

their explaination of origin...
Donnette is a form of the Italian name Donata.
Donnette is also an English form of the English and Scottish name Donna.
I got my name because my dad was Don.
Not because of any Italian, English or Scottish influence.
I am pretty sure my parents made it up.
My dad was not "a Don", his name was Don. Not Donald. Don.
And in case you are curious-Donnette is not a popular baby girl name. It does not make the top 1,000 list.
I laughed out loud when I read the last paragraph on the page:
Baby names that sound like Donnette include DamitaDanita (English), Dannette (English), Danuta (Polish), DennetteDhanada (Indian), DiamonteDiantha (English and Greek), Dianthe (English and Greek), DimitiDimityDionteDonata(Italian), DonatoDamayanti (Indian), Diamanda (English), Dandie (English), Dandy (English), Danet, and Danett (English).
I am shaking my head, wondering how some of those even remotely sound like Donnette. Damita? Diamonte? Dimity? Damayanti? Dandy?

It is almost 5AM. Time to quit this nonsense and get a few hours of sleep before heading to church. I hope something in this post made you grin-maybe even laugh. Curiosity had to drive you to read this crazy post to the end.


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