midlife, it's a mystery

two teenage girls I love dearly
found out last summer they were getting a new sister
today was the day of her arrival
they welcomed her into this world at 8:05 this morning 
near 1:00PM she left this world

I woke up to a text telling me she had arrived
I have thought about the family and prayed for them all day
actually, I have been thinking about them and praying for them for months
from the time they found out mom was pregnant-
more prayer when they discovered baby girl could not live outside the womb

baby girl's mom and dad put flesh on those words 

baby girl reached her midlife at 2 hours 28 minutes or so old
stop what you are doing
and think about that, 
no, really, 
slow down and let it sink in 

we all have one
but none of us knows what our magic number is
life is precious
regardless of it's length or brevity

so don't waste it
love lavishly
forgive freely
give generously
appreciate moments


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