defining moments

those moments when "everything changes"
or when a mystery becomes crystal clear

some are painful
some are joyful

some we try to bury, 
but they keep resurrecting themselves

some we strive to live in, 
even when they are best left behind

they are instances that were so impactful
that years later we can be transported back to that moment "in living color"

we all have some we'd rather not have
we all have some we cherish

the struggle sometimes 
is to realize that moments do not define us

not the good ones
not the bad ones

a defining moment may change our planned trajectory 
but we can choose to remain on the altered course or to deviate from it

The most life changing moment I've experienced was almost 40 years ago.
That is when I realized my need for a Savior and began to follow Jesus.

all of the other "defining moments" in my life
are impacted by my understanding of who God is and who I am in Him

Knowing who I am in Him defines me. 
Not my plans.
Not my work.
Not my wishes.
Not my feelings.
Not my struggles.
Not my doubts.
Not my failures or losses. 
Not my successes or accumulations. 
Not my pain or sorrow. 
Not my happiness or joy. 

God is my Father. 
I am His beloved child. 

Jesus is my Savior. 
He is my friend and my mediator. 

The Holy Spirit lives in me.  
He is my comforter, counselor and teacher. 

The defining moments in my life have become times I am more aware of God. 
Of His grace 
His love 
His mercy
His compassion
His forgiveness
His power
His peace
His protection
His provision
His kindness

I have learned life is much more than we can 
And death is when Christ followers become more alive than we've ever been. 

I have nothing to fear
not in life 
not in death, 
because I know that God is the great I AM. 
Not I was. 
Not I will be. 
He is I AM. 


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