just a peek

I am sincere in my desire to treat my physical body better
and pretty much determined to get in 10,000 steps a day toward that end
but some days putting one foot in front of the other
that many times anyway
is a struggle

even knowing it is good for me in so many ways
even knowing it will help me sleep at night
even knowing how much better I will feel when I finish
even knowing that it changes what I hunger for in a good way
even knowing that it has helped me lose almost 10 pounds in a year

today was one of those days 
it was plain stubbornness that drove my walk this evening
not the promise of better health that I am getting peeks of
not the beauty the evening turned out to be,
nope, it was willpower and that FitBit weekly report

as I was coming down College St. on my first of three laps I saw this:

just a peek of a rainbow was enough
enough to encourage me
enough to make my steps lighter
enough to make my heart sing
enough to alter my attitude

enough to make these thoughts race through my head:
"I don't have to see all of the rainbow to know it is complete."
"I don't have to see the whole picture to trust that God is working."
"Walking by faith, in obedience sometimes is a struggle,
but God's past faithfulness is enough to encourage my present walk with Him."

I love it when I get a peek of God
it fills me in a way nothing else does
He is a good, good Father


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