
Definition of vulnerable (thank you Webster's)

  1. 1:  capable of being physically or emotionally wounded
  2. 2:  open to attack or damage 
  3. sometimes I ache to simply be held, 
  4. to have a hand to hold
  5. to be wrapped up in a safe bear hug
  6. this past week or so I have been keenly aware of that ache again
  7. but where does a widow go to have those needs met?

  8. this morning as I journaled I addressed that issue
  9. "Please, Father, set a guard over my heart. I am vulnerable. I ache to be held. Not sexually-just wrapped up in a hug and held. So I come running as fast as I can to You and ask you to satisfy that hunger-may I not limit You to what is physical. I choose to continue to trust that You will provide what I need, not necessarily what I (think) I want-but exactly what I need. I love You and I love being Yours."

  10. I finished my quiet time and began my work day
  11. I was busy with laundry and cleaning and planning
  12. I received a text that we had a recruit make a surprise visit
  13. result: an unscheduled practice that I wasn't sure I had time for
  14. I had more cleaning I wanted to accomplish,
  15. I have new furniture coming tomorrow morning
  16. but I know being present is more important
  17. so I went
  18. I was late, but I showed up
  19. and received the answer to my morning's heart cry 

  20. a hand on my shoulder from one of the guys during practice
  21. and I heard God whisper;
  22. "I am listening"
  23. a brief, sweaty hug from another when they were done
  24. "you keep trusting Me, I'll continue to meet your needs."

  25. tonight the ache is gone


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