my two cents for today

I had time to check FB early this morning
and almost wished I hadn't
seeing the friendversary video featured was almost my undoing

"You and William became friends 8 years ago".
It was the first thing on my timeline.
Because I couldn't give in to the cry that was threatening.
Linford was coming any minute to work on the house.
So I didn't watch.

it is raining again today
but it is warm 
so I walked to chapel

I found a penny on the way
as I was singing the chorus to "Unstoppable God..."
and my heart smiled at the visible reminder He sees, He cares, He loves

I met Ruth and the kids on the way into chapel
we sat together
the first song we sang filled my heart

the last song we sang is one that echoes my heart's cry
something that is true because of who God is
not because of anything I am 

after chapel I walked home and met Ruth there
she started laundry 
we headed to Aldi for our weekly grocery shopping

two state quarters for the carts
no tears this week
and look what I found as we walked toward the entrance:

another reminder, 
"In God I trust:"
more fuel to motivate me to sing "Your praise will ever be on my lips..."

two cents may not buy much
but it sure did give me a lot today
oh, and this afternoon I watched the video
A Friendversary to Celebrate!
Donnette and William became friends on Facebook 8 years ago. Watch the video celebrating this friendship.

it wasn't for William Scott and I, 
it is William Ralph, 
Bill's dad's account 
his mom uses it now
and we've been friends a lot longer than 8 years
I love the woman who raised my husband
she and daddy Bill did a great job


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