does anybody know what time it is?

I went to Andrew & Bre's Thursday March 9th
I live in the eastern time zone
they live in the central time zone
so I "gained an hour"
it takes me a couple of days to adjust to time changes
I was just beginning to get acclimated
and Daylight Savings Time began Sunday March 12th 
when we sprang forward did I "lose" the hour I'd gained?

Tuesday the 14th I went to see a friend who lives an hour from Andrew
she lives in the eastern time zone
I left Andrew's at 10:30 AM and arrived at 12:30 PM
I didn't even try to keep track of what time it was while we visited
I left her at 5:01 PM, drove an hour and arrived at Andrew's at 5:04 PM
I don't know what messed with my mind more, 
the drive up to Washington or back to Evansville
I felt like I was in a twilight zone

I came home this afternoon and tonight my head is spinning
the older I get the less I like DST
especially the spring one
that mixed with travel to a different time zone
combined with the excitement of welcoming a new baby
then living on a newborn's schedule for ten days
has me wondering and wanting to ask...
does anybody know what time it is?

and for those who wonder,
yes, the song Chicago sang, "Does anybody really know what time it is"
did begin to play through my head as I typed that last line 


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