love at first sight

nine short days ago-
that was the first time I saw him in person
it was, 
without a doubt on my part, 
love at first sight
and if I could, I would move in with him
snuggling with him is sweet
this new love of mine makes my heart beat faster
and I would gladly trade my life for his if the need arose

just as I would for his parents,
Andrew and Breanna
or his aunts, 
Elizabeth, Sarah, Deborah, Jessica or Ruth
or his uncles, 
Michael, Kourtney, David, Jonathan or Kyle
or his cousins, 
Hannah, Chloe, Cristian, Addyston, Noell, Kaelyn, Korah, Willow, Abigail, Selah, Gabriel, Adelaide, Benjamin, Xavier or Mia

Abram William, I pray you grow up knowing you are loved. By your dad's family, by your mom's family, and by church family. And that you know your grandpa Bill would have been as wild about you as he was your cousins he got to meet. But most importantly I pray you learn to live life motivated by the knowledge that God loves you. 


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