weathering the weather

this was me at practice today, sitting under the bleachers

                              watching from there because of this weather 

I have a jacket on
I am wrapped in a double layer fleece tie blanket
and I was still cold

why was I sitting outside freezing
when I could have been sitting in my warm, dry house?
I love those boys
and love can be powerful motivation  

I was convinced it had to be in the 40's
so I pulled my phone out of my pocket
and checked the weather app

That can't be right!
But it was.

I thought about how different I felt as I watched practice ten days ago
I am pretty sure the temperature was colder but I felt a lot warmer
I attributed it to the sunshine

as I walked to the car 
I thought about how life is like today's practice
I have choices to make every day

when I sit on my rear, 
focused on discomfort and the dreary stuff, 
I am miserable

on the other hand,
when I get up and "do", 
especially in the midst of dreary, 
it doesn't feel nearly as gloomy
and sunny days are simply a bonus in life


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