Hallmark Movie wisdom

I have been watching the Hallmark movie series "Love Comes Softly". I just finished the 5th of 6 movies. The first one begins with a woman suddenly widowed, and re-married just as quickly out of a sheer need to survive. Love, slowly and painfully, blossoms. The marriage becomes real, not one of convenience or necessity. The rest of the series is built upon the life of the family she married into and includes other struggles, heartaches, victories, life and deaths, particularly of her stepdaughter Missy. 

The 5th movie ends in typical Hallmark fashion-a happy ending. But it is the powerful scene played out just minutes before the end of the movie, the one that leads to a happy ending that has captured my attention. It is a beautiful dialogue between Clark, the man who marries the widow in the opening few minutes of the first movie and his daughter Missy, a grown woman who married and moved away from home. In movie 4 Missy's infant daugther dies. Movie 5 opens with her at her husbands graveside, saying goodbye to him before she and her young son leave the ranch she and WIllie started to go live in her hometown to be near  her dad (Clark) and stepmother. The conversation begins with Missy asking Clark a question.

"When did you start coming here. "
"When your momma died;
This is where I said goodbye."
"How do you do that?
How do you let go of someone you love?"
"When you love someone, that love doesn't die when they do. No, it stays in your heart forever. But we do have to say goodbye to the life we shared with them. And go on with a new life..."

Clark is a pretty wise man.


  1. Don't think I'm ready to see those yet. Watching the premiere of the Winter Castle.

  2. To steal a question someone once asked me-"Why would you watch a Hallmark Movie? You know how it is going to end" :) (Seriously though, I hope it was a good movie.)


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