working on doing what I need to do so I can be who I want to be

I have a long list of things I need to do
either differently,
or simply start doing so I can be who I want to be
and realize that historically I have been too easily overwhelmed
resulting in me choosing to not doing anything

This year, 2019, 
the "word" I seemed to hear from God when I prayed in December
was change
so I decided to hold onto that lens
and look at my life through it

what needs to change physically
what needs to change mentally
what needs to change emotionally
what needs to change spiritually
I quickly realized all need more discipline and exercise

I began walking a mile or more a day, 
every day, 
whether I feel like it or not

among other things, I am addicted to coffee creamer and sugar
and there are games I spend way too much time on,
so they have got to go, at least for a time

I am resuming my goal to read through the Bible chronologically
concentrating on praying specifically 
pondering doctrine & theology so I can articulate what I believe

it isn't very far into 2019, but I can already see a difference
some days are harder than others
but exercising any of my weak muscles is worthwhile
and each time I take one baby step 
all the areas of my life benefit and are strengthened 


  1. Last Christmas ( not the one we just had) I asked Carole for the chronological Bible because she told me how much she enjoyed reading through it. Well, I never started it. Sat on my shelf all year. So, I decided I also needed to grow spiritually so I started reading it on January 1st. Very interesting reading. My word is hope.

    1. what a beautiful word! And it is interesting to read chronologically...sometimes confusing and feels like a sword drill, but very interesting.

  2. The first 14 days sounds like a modern day soap opera.


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