schooled by Miss Adaline

 Look who came for a visit today! 
Miss Adaline has grown a lot since I kept her last Jan. to June
while her mama and papa were in school.

Six months is a long time in a toddlers life
so I wasn't sure what to expect from our time together alone.
Would she remember me and be content?
She didn't fuss at all when her papa left. 
Would she get bored?
I have enough toys that doesn't seem like a realistic concern-
but were the RIGHT toys? 
Yes, she enjoyed Duplo's and the kitchen set, along with the wooden beads. WIN!
She is big enough now she let me know she was hungry by going to her chair.
She remembered! 
She ate a few bites and was done.
That was weird. 
The girl likes her food.
I got her down and she reached her arms up.
We walked hand in hand to the couch, then I lifted her in my arms.
And she snuggled. 
Some things never get old.
That is one of them.
Within minutes she was asleep. 

As I lay on the couch, propped with pillows, just like before,
I took this picture to share with her parents, just like before,
and as I looked at her sweet face thoughts began to roll,
and I quickly knew what I would share here today.
A lesson from Miss Adaline's nap.

there she lay
completely relaxed
arms reaching upward,
not quite long enough to reach around my neck,
they rested on my shoulders instead
head laying on my chest, 
over my heart,
listening to it beat
breathing deeply and evenly
resting completely
not a care
not a worry
not a fear
trusting that I had her-
that I would not drop her
that I would protect her
that I would support her while she rested
a big sigh, but the resting continued
eye and limb movements that indicated to a dream, but still she rested

a lesson I needed today

to reach up and ask my Father to pick me up
to nestle my head against His chest and listen for His heartbeat
knowing that when I cannot see how He is working
when I cannot understand the things going on around me
that I can trust His love 
and as we lay there together I imagined myself doing just that
breathing in deeply of what I know to be true
listening for His heartbeat
relaxing in His arms, 
not allowing anything to come between me and Him
trusting that He is not going to drop me
and felt my soul relax into a deep rest

schooled by an 18 month old,
what a beautiful lesson,
definitely a WIN

"Come to Me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.  Take My yoke upon you, and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls." Matthew 11:28-29


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