taking the next step

 taking the next step is simply that:
putting one foot in front of the other,
one more time, 
trusting that as you do so,
you will get closer to your destination

when the sun is shining 
and the temperature is perfect (like yesterday was here)
not too hot, 
not too cold,
it is easy for me to walk outside and enjoy it
but when the cloud cover makes the sky gray
or rain is falling
or snow is swirling
and the temperature is less than ideal (like it was here today)
too hot
or too cold
it is more of a challenge
but it IS still doable
33 degrees, you don't scare me
not today anyway,
I am properly clothed to face you
I have found that life is much the same way
when troubles are non existent
or so small they are more nuisance than hindrance
continuing to do the next thing is not a big deal
I just keep trucking along
but when things are hard
it takes more determination
more focus
more gutting it out
to do the next thing
and if there is a mountain staring me down
it can feel impossible

this is what I have learned to do
when I am in a place where trouble looms large,
obstacles block my view
and darkness keeps me from clearly seeing what lies ahead...
I have discovered that if I don't look at "all that needs done"
if I don't get distracted by how impossible the situation ahead seems,
and rather simply take the next step,
not being intimidated by the daunting size of what I face,
that positive progress is made and encouragement is felt
because even a small step draws me closer to accomplishing the goal
and that IS the purpose of walking
and honestly,
one step at a time is all any of us can take

"I waited patiently for the Lord;
    He inclined to me and heard my cry.
He drew me up from the pit of destruction,
    out of the miry bog,
and set my feet upon a rock,
    making my steps secure.
He put a new song in my mouth,
    a song of praise to our God.
Many will see and fear,
    and put their trust in the Lord."
Psalm 40


  1. Thanks for this post. You know it's coming up on 4 months since Carole's death. I keep wondering why and what is God's plan for me. I need to remember that for some of His plans for people took many years, like for Abraham and Sarah for example. I may never know. I Just need to try putting that one step in front of the other. Healing is going to take time.


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