more than just a marble

a common, plain, orange marble

I found it as I was nearing the end of my walk Saturday afternoon. It was nestled in a crack of the asphalt parking area in front of the Art Center across the street from my home. Solo. A little scuffed, but still recognizable. Probably still usable. I have asked myself several questions about it.

How did it get there? 

Who dropped it?

Did it feel the weight of any tires?

How did I miss it when I passed that way at the start of my walk? 

Why did it bring me such pleasure? 

What is its significance?

Being an unexpected, seriously out of place "find", adds to its value because I have discovered that God has a way of using unexpected, "out of place" things to remind me of truths I could very easily forget. 

God has the ability to open my eyes to see beauty where it shouldn't be. But I have to be looking and willing to see.

Things don't have to be costly to be special.

Sometimes I am "stuck in a crack" for my protection. 
I may not be aware of the purpose at the time, but I have experienced God putting me in/allowing me to be in tight, uncomfortable, unlikely places for a time. And later, after being rescued, I have seen where it would have been more dangerous to be out in the open.  

Little things can have big impacts, so share smiles and kind words liberally. 

Just because I have "been this way before" does not mean there isn't something new to see or learn or experience.

I am still smiling over my find. It has joined other small treasures on my kitchen windowsill where I can see them every morning and throughout my days to be reminded of the way God works in my life.

"The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases;
His mercies never come to an end;
they are new every morning;
great is Your faithfulness.
" The Lord is my portion,' says my soul,
"therefore I will hope in Him." "


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