what's it worth to ya?

today three words kept coming to mind repeatedly:

some of the most precious things I own
can't be purchased 
or cost the least amount of money possible
their worth is not determined by their monetary value,
rather, the memories or sentiment they hold make them irreplaceable

these are a few of my favorite, valued things:
artwork, in different forms, created out of love for me
shells gathered at the beach
a bird egg found on a walk and gently carried home to me by a grandchild
a shiny round piece of costume jewelry, it's broken, but still sparkles
special rocks
notes and letters
a meal shared with a friend
a video chat with family

don't get me wrong,
I appreciate, enjoy and treasure some "costly" things as well
I own some fine jewelry, gifts from Bill or my children
I have been given beautiful clothing
I have received decor and furniture to make my house homey
but, again, it isn't the amount of money that was spent
rather, it is the love behind the gifts that increase their worth,
those that cost no cash
and those that required saving for or making payments on to purchase

in short-
the value or
the worth of something
is not determined by a price tag
but rather by what you are willing to invest to make it part of your life

this applies not only to "things", 
but far more so to relationships
healthy, valuable, worthwhile relationships 
are going to cost you some things,
things no amount of money can buy

In my experience, 
more often than not,
investing like that in others  
yields priceless, irreplaceable, strong bonds 
bonds that withstand storms and the test of time

As I finished writing a statement began to pester me,
and it is causing me to evaluate my investment strategies.
I am accepting it as a challenge,
a reminder that I need to back up my words with my actions.
"your current choices reveal what your relationships are worth to ya"...

*the pictures reveal some of the priceless gifts I have received*


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