when you are reeling, does God still expect you to be a fisher of men?

That is one of the first words that comes to mind when I think of how to describe how our family feels right now. 
which, today, made me think about fishing-(fishing reels)
which then led to the passage where Jesus calls us to be fishers of men

When life throws us for a loop and we are reeling, staggering mentally and/or emotionally if not physically, unsure of which end is up or what direction we are or should be headed in, does God still expect us to be "fishers of men"?
and, as hard as it might be,
I think the answer is a resounding yes.

All real fishermen and women know that different fish are attracted to different bait. You can't throw the same bait for all fish. I think that when we are in a situation that has us reeling we are in a perfect position to throw perfect bait to "fish" who may not be interested any other time. 

Will the faith we spouted when things were easy, or if not easy, at least manageable, be the faith we show when our world is in utter chaos?

Is the God who is good when prayer is answered the way we want it to be 
still good when the answer is diametrically opposed to what we asked?

Will our trust and our obedience be the same in the dark, when we cannot see and we do not understand as it is when the way is clear?

Do we rest in His love, confident of His watchcare when it appears "all is lost" as it is when things are solid and going our way?

People who are hurting,
whose worlds are reeling and do not know Jesus
are watching those of us who are hurting and do know Jesus.
They are longing to know that there is something real,
something solid to hold onto when their world is shaking
and if we have spouted off about Jesus being that something solid,
when life is good,
we better be holding onto that solidness when things are hard.
If not, we have lost a perfect opportunity to throw perfect bait.

I am not saying there should always only be laughter and giggles and overflowing happiness, acting as if we have no cares in the world. 
Rather, we should be honest and share our tears, our heartache, 
our "I don't like this";  
"I don't want this"; 
"I don't understand"; 
"I wish I wasn't going through this". 

And along with that the ability to say with confidence things like,
"it isn't the DX we wanted...but God is still good"
"no matter what happens, God's got this..."
"I don't have to like it or understand or want to trust that God loves me and that He is working His eternal purpose..."

To follow Mike's journey search "Praying for the Maxeys" on FaceBook.


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