32/366 Answered prayers

I have prayer lists
why lists?
because my memory is not reliable and if I say I will pray for you I want to remember!

the not highlighted lines are prayers in progress
people who need the Lord
physical ailments
mental struggles
emotional needs
difficult situations
struggling relationships
healthy, growing relationships
and more

the highlighted lines are answered prayers
people who've made Jesus Lord and Savior
physical, mental, emotional needs met 
jobs found
promotions secured
difficult situations/circumstances resolved
relationships mended or strengthened
trips planned
moves made
ministries established
and more

there are long standing requests (some prior to 2001)
and newbies- two added yesterday
and all the days in between
each line, 
each prayer request,
is important because it is personal-
someone I know and love is involved
most times I pray through these papers I am thankful for the privilege,
on the lookout for a reason to use the highlighter,
occasionally I dread and put off using the marker 
because sometimes the hardest prayers are the answered ones you no longer need to pray...


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