43/366 FitBit help

I am using my fitbit daily. I am not disciplined enough to push myself to get in the exercise I need to get in without it. Every midnight, all numbers reset to zero. Every 12:01 AM is a new beginning. A reminder that what I did yesterday doesn't count toward today's work. I can't use "overages" to meet today's goals. Most days I am okay with that. But sometimes I really wish I could take the steps I took over 10,000 or the exercise I did over 30 minutes or the cardio that is over 25 minutes and use it as part of the work I need to put in "today". 

This is one of those days. It is 38 degrees and rainy. All. Day. Long. I'm not going to get in my steps. Or my exercise. Or my cardio. The cardio is a weekly goal so that is easier to not be disappointed about. I have been pushing myself to walk, especially on days I don't want to, so that I get in 30 minutes of exercise 1) because it is good for me and 2) because my body has started to crave that exercise. I don't worry so much about the 10,000 steps, because that many steps with no effort put forth is not nearly as advantageous as fewer steps taken with purpose, ending with sweat and an elevated heart rate. I could get discouraged and give up since I am missing my goals today. BUT I won't be discouraged. Why? Because I know that tomorrow what I lacked today will not count against me. I will not begin with a negative balance I have to make up before I can begin to meet the new day's goals.

I often compare that 12:01 reset on my fitbit to my spiritual walk/exercises. Every day is a fresh start. The "good" disciplines I practiced yesterday help build a habit to continue doing what I need to do to be healthy today. Reading my Bible, journaling and prayer, because of consistent practice, are as much a part of my life as breathing. The good those practices make in my life do carry forward, but their impact is lessened if I neglect them. It doesn't happen frequently anymore, but there are times I don't get to read my Bible, pray and journal to begin my day. When that happens, it bothers me. I feel unhealthy. I NEED to exercise those spiritual disciplines every single day, building on the work I've already put in. The flip side of that is I have also learned and rejoice that the sins I commit, once confessed and repented of, don't carry forward. There is no "negative balance" I have to make up. Praise God. 

"...this I call to mind, and therefore I have hope:The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness. “The Lord is my portion,” says my soul, “therefore I will hope in him.” Lamentations 3:21-24

"He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?" Micah 6:8


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