33/366 Fire building 101

it wasn't cold Saturday evening 
BUT it was definitely a night that screamed for "comfort"
so I built a fire

snuggled under a cozy blanket one of my sons gave me for Christmas three years ago

brought in most of what was left in my woodpile

and slept on the couch
it's the best sleep I got all of last week
I woke before 7 Sunday morning
it was still dark
 I went upstairs, took my shower and got ready for the day
by the time I came down to make breakfast the sun was coming up
a vibrant pink ribbon was breaking through a solid, dark, gray cloud bank

I opened the stove door so I could add wood and have a fire before church

to the uninitiated this might look hopeless
but I have built a fair number of fires
and I knew what might lie under those ashes...

a few glowing embers was all I was hoping for, all I needed

I had pine cones to use as kindling

small pieces of wood to add on top of those
and time,
I didn't need to start from scratch with matches,
the embers, 
fuel for the fire, 
and time would do the job

buried under what looked dead and hopeless
was actually all I needed
to begin a new fire 

if you have been "on fire",
burning hot and steady for the Lord,
you know how powerful and beautiful that place is,
how comforting it is to sit before Him 
and bask in His presence 

but if you ever find yourself in a place that feels like those ashes looked,
I encourage you to allow the Lord to have His way with what looks all used up,

He will find an ember,
He will add the right "fuel"
He knows the right time,
so simply be patient,
allow Him to build a new, vibrant work in your life

"I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." Philippians 1:3-6

My fire tonight contains the last four chunks of wood I own.
That's so odd to write.
For 30 years I have always had a woodpile.
A new heating and air system 5 years ago eliminated the "need".
I've whittled away the pile I had
building fires for comfort rather than necessity.
I'm sure I'll end up with more wood,
it's just very strange to have none.


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