39/366 All My Children

Lake vacation June 2019,
me with my birthed children, their spouses 
and my grandchildren
this guy was in the vacay picture,
but still in the womb
he came out to play 9/11/19

I have other children. 

Children that grew in my heart.
Today I got to spend the whole day with one and part of the afternoon with another three.

I'm glad DNA isn't the only way to add these treasures to my life
I am thanking God for the gift of them tonight (past, presentfuture)
there are others and I wish I had pictures of them to share 
but, then again, if I did, this site might crash,
because I am blessed beyond measure

if you are one of my heart children, I'd enjoy a recent pic of you/you and your family :)
you could PM one or post it here publicly
or mail me an actual photo 


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