42/366 Whispers

This is a tough season. I woke this morning from a dream to "real life" gently, with the words of whomever I was having a conversation with in my sleep, ringing in my ears. "Charissa made a book for you." (I don't know any Charissa's, but this one knew me.) I had a sense it was a photo/picture book you can custom design (Shutterfly, Snapfish, etc.) and that it documented my life to date. In my dream, I was weary. The words that came from the speaker's mouth to find rest in my soul as my mind was waking from sleep were, "and she wanted me to tell you, 'Just keep going' "

As I was making breakfast, skies gray yet again today, those words, "Just keep going" were running through my mind on repeat. As I was transferring scrambled eggs from the frying pan to my bowl, I had a flashback to my road trip to Knoxville Saturday with my son Charles. He had a podcast playing and asked if I listened to ET. I had no idea of who ET is and told him so. Charles said, "mom, I want you to listen to this." ET is Eric Thomas, a motivational speaker whose target audience, I think, is athletes. This particular talk focused on mental toughness. Cliff notes version: There will be times in your life that your skill will not be enough. Never give up, never give in. There will be times in your life when your speed will not get you where you want/need to be. Never give up, never give in. When "they" say "it's over", as long as you have breath, never give up, never give in. ET pointed out that the time to develop mental toughness is before you need it. When the doctor delivers bad news, or the game is on the line, it is too late to start getting mentally tough. It is something you have to practice now. Today. Everyday, so that when that challenge comes, you are ready to face it. Never give up. Never give in. No matter what, until the whistle blows, keep playing. It was a powerful message. 

On the heels of that flashback, in neon lights, came the theme of the Women's event I am privileged to speak at in March. 
Endure: He Will See You Through
There seems to be a message being sent my way.
Did you catch it?

Just keep going
Never give up
Never give in
Practice doing right things, hard things
Trust God
Lean hard into Him

events in the planning stages
don't limit how you hear what the Lord wants to speak to you
because if you do, 
you might miss something He is waiting to share with you 
something beautiful 
something powerful
whispers of encouragement 


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