38/366 This Little Light of Mine

I installed a battery powered motion sensor light after Bill died
my ministries and life choices mean I sometimes come home after dark
and because I am not the quickest woman God created
my  headlights turn off before I can get the key in the lock and that makes me uncomfortable

I pulled in the drive tonight from an apologetics seminar and the light was tripped
it doesn't activate until I step onto the porch
and it doesn't last more than a couple of minutes
that meant someone or something had been on my porch very recently

"Great!" I thought, "Mr O must be back"
I quickly scanned the area while questioning my good sense-
why oh why I had put the snowmen back on the bench?
I was excited to find no beady eyes staring at me

I made sure there was no one lurking in the shadows 
two legged or four
opened my car door and cautiously got out
and the perpetrator streaked past me-

a well fed stray orange tabby cat is much more welcome than Mr O 


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