Introducing The Newest Man in My Life 58/366

We've had a strange winter. More like spring. On a couple of days I have seen a few snowflakes flurrying, not enough to stick anywhere, but enough to make me notice and remember snow days when the kids were little. Enough to make me smile and breathe a deep sigh of happy. 

I left about 2 minutes earlier than normal for chapel this morning. As I walked to my car I glanced in the grass to my right-and there, along the edge on top of a few leaves that are hugging the cement was a tiny patch of snow. 

I couldn't resist, even though I knew it might make me late-I bent over to try and make a small snowball. It didn't work. A short sigh of disappointment. Oh well. At least I tried.  I went to open my car door and noticed there was a small amount of snow gathered on top of the windshield wipers in the well that houses them. I knew this decision was going to make me late, but I couldn't resist.


meet the newest man in my life,
I'm certain he won't be around for long.

Mr. Teeny Tiny Snowman, quarter for size comparison, has brought me an inordinate amount of happy heart and smiling face. It has been cold enough that he stuck around all day and greeted me when I came home from futsal practice tonight. Maybe he will bring a smile to you too.


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