41/366 A Monday Sign of Healing

the grief monster does not fight fair
it hit me hard and heavy yesterday morning as I was getting ready for church
thankfully it gradually eased and the day ended with my heart lighter

I have needed a few things from the grocery store for a couple of weeks now
and just kept putting it off because I didn't have the energy or interest to shop
I've been using what I have on hand to make do

Saturday I took hamburger from the freezer to make my mom's potato soup
one BIG problem
I didn't have potatoes

so this morning, after dropping a friend off at the airport I stopped at Foodfair
I wanted to get an onion, a few potatoes and eggs
as I walked past the meat section the roasts caught my attention

on a whim, I bought one
when I got home, rather than put it the freezer for when company comes
I stuck it in a casserole dish and thought "I am taking a step toward healing"

it slow baked all day,
without carrots and potatoes
because I had another plan, 
beef barbeque for the freezer
it's easy to make and healthier than fast food!

I needed to use the ground beef today so I made potato soup for my supper
I'd like to say I planned ahead, 
but the truth is I still don't know how to cook for one  so I'll be eating it for three meals

in the shadow of,
in the face of, 
when you don't wanna?
I count that as a sign of healing


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