sharing joy 57/366

I left Sarah's at 6:32 this morning, a minute behind her and the girls. As I got to the end of her road my phone rang. It was Noell's number and I wondered if they had forgotten something and needed me to  grab it and drop it off at school on my way back to Grayson.

It was Sarah.
"Look across the road, there in the pasture. There are two new babies."

She loves seeing those calves. Every spring she keeps me updated. Last year there were twins. Talk about excitement!  

If she hadn't shared her find today, I would have missed it. I spent a few minutes watching them. I tried to get a good picture, but every time I snapped one, they moved! 

Because  Sarah shared her joy, I got a full dose of joy and all day long I have had eyes that are looking for new life to rejoice over. 

I  thought some of you might appreciate a sprinkling of joy.

Shared joy multiplies. What brought you joy today?

we have absolutely no claim on those calves, don't know if they are male or female and I will never be able to pick them out of the herd, but I am naming them Joy and Grace

I'm not sure where the second calf is-behind it's mama?
blended in with the trees?
It's there, I just can't find it. 


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