36/366 "Don't Let Them See You Sweat"

for two years this has been my winter "You are Welcome Here" arrangement

I switched things up a bit this afternoon,
the trees are staying put,
but the row of snowmen may have to be retired
you can help me decide,
but not until you read the story below

I pulled into the driveway after late indoor soccer practice, happy when my headlights illuminated the porch, glad to be home. I looked to my right, reached into the passenger seat to grab something, I can't even remember now what it was. I glanced up at the porch again before opening my car door. 

And. I. Froze.

Lumbering off of the bench was the biggest opossum I have ever seen. 
I promise you, it looked at me, eye to eye, totally unconcerned that I was home. 
I, on the other hand, was totally flustered and sat gripping the steering wheel, trying to process what my eyes were seeing and scrambling to decide what my next step should or should not be. I fumbled with my phone, desperately wanting to take a picture of its nonchalance* but I was too slow. He (or she) waddled down the stairs before I could get there. 

Now I was even more concerned because I couldn't see it. 
I felt like I was watching a tennis match as I looked toward the back yard, then turned to look in the grass beside the car, back and forth. There was no way I was opening the door to locate it, and even less of a chance of me getting out of the car before I knew where it was.

I located O just after I finally got my camera up and was able to snap a photo of his backside. Only because he was so large it took a minute for him to squeeze under the neighbors building.

I waited a few minutes, wanting to make sure O was settled before I bolted from the car to the porch. I guarantee I unlocked the door faster than I ever have and didn't breathe easy until I had it shut and locked again.

As I leaned against the door, safe and sound in my home, I breathed a sigh of relief. I am glad I didn't immediately open my car door. I am even more glad I didn't meet my visitor on the porch, because if I had I am confident I would have wet my pants (or worse).

All visitors are welcome to come and sit a spell or take refuge on any one of my three porches
...except opossums.

*nonchalant: feeling or appearing casually calm and relaxed; not displaying anxiety, interest, or enthusiasm.

I wonder if this is the lesson the opossum was sent to teach me?
"don't let them see you sweat"


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