pink hope

When I went to Aldi nine days ago to get groceries, after the ice and snow storms and before the rains that brought flooding to this little corner of Ky., I saw a display of bulbs in glass with water. There were leaves and flower stems showing, but they didn't look really healthy. I chalked that up to the store being without power for several days. I was starving for spring and decided the marked down price of $1.99 was a low risk investment for a possible high yield dose of that good medicine-hope. And it has been. The largest group of flowers started blooming out a few days ago. Today the smaller two began opening up. I didn't realize how much I enjoy hyacinths and their scent until living with them this last week and a half. If you have a chance to bring a little spring into your home I highly suggest seizing the opportunity. It's amazing how much sunshine a little flower can bring to life. I also discovered pink isn't so bad after all. As a matter of fact, I'll be removing it from my list of least favorite colors.


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