family, flowers and the unexpected

sometimes there is great beauty in not getting what you were expecting

After the experience of buying a pink Hyacinth that was being "forced" to bloom and watching its beauty unfold in my kitchen I knew I needed Hyacinths for my yard. I had never paid much attention to this flower, being mesmerized by daffodils and narcissus instead. I searched several online sites and couldn't find any bulbs available for purchase. I didn't understand why until I realized they are a spring flower which means they need to be planted in the fall. I resigned myself to waiting until next spring to enjoy them in my flower bed. 

I received an unexpected gift a couple of weeks ago while I was meandering in the garden center at Walmart. There were flats and flats of Hyacinths planted in individual containers, already sprouted, ready to plant and be enjoyed in my garden this spring! I purchased four each of blue, white and pink and excitedly put them in the ground where I could see them  from my back porch swing. I have enjoyed watching the process of them maturing and reaching the point of blooming. 

The purple ones opened Monday, but often blue flowers are more purple than true blue so I didn't think much about the color difference. The white buds had a yellowish tint that I fully expected to fade to white or at least cream when they fully opened. I was wrong in my expectations. That is full on lemon yellow. And the light pink buds are opening to a coral that is stunning.

I guess I could be mad about not getting what I bought.
But would it do me any good?
And isn't that yellow and coral extraordinary?
I feel like I got more than I bargained for. 
I find the same to be true as the week unfolds with my brother and nephews here.

this was my list:
this is part of what they've added on their own initiative :
and it is all being accomplished!

sometimes what we get 
isn't what we asked for 
and what we receive is a more beautiful, lavish gift than we hoped for


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