Good and Loved

Some days it hits me harder,
it affects me more deeply,
and I can't shake it.
No matter what I do,
I am mindful of it.

Today is one of those days.
It started this morning during my time alone with Jesus.
I am working my way through John.
I was in the last few verses of chapter 16.
I read the words of Jesus to His disciples in verse 27.
Tears began to roll down my cheeks 
and snot began to pour from my nose.
I don't often share the writings from my journal.
They are private.
They hold my most honest and intimate thoughts.
But I knew as soon as I put my pen down just a few hours ago,
that this page would be the basis for my post today.

I pray you too know and live from the truth that you are loved
and if you don't know the Father and His love,
that you will come to know it.

I pray we who are in relationship with Him never get over the wonder,
the overwhelming, humbling knowledge
that God,
who is perfect, Holy, pure, good
is also a Father
in spite of our brokenness, 
our imperfections,
our failures and faltering attempts
loves us
and invites into an intimate relationship with Him.

Because of who He is we can rest and hold onto these truths:
He is good.
We are loved.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

* the link is not posting properly. The song is God and Loved. I was trying to share the version that has the lyrics and is just under 4 minutes long. 

I shared my thoughts with Bre and she sent me a link to a song she listened to this morning. She actually sent a different link but it was 9:38 and didn't have lyrics. Look for the official version on youtube if you want to listen to that version. 


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