watching the wind

I received my second COVID vaccine Saturday afternoon
it's been a challenging few days
so I've spent the afternoon and early evening on my back porch reading
I've moved from the swing
to the white wrought iron rocker
to the futon, where I am currently parked
I stopped reading and set the book down a little while ago

inexplicably pulled to simply sit still and to do "nothing" 
but listen
and watch
and feel
to smell
to think about the past and present and future
and soak in what is going on around me right now

bird noises
car wash pressure sprayers
dogs barking
children playing at the park
emergency vehicle sirens hurrying past
traffic moving 
a lawn mower

pine boughs swaying
pansy blossoms fluttering
my skin being caressed
my hair tousled
even the porch swing is acknowledging the power of the breeze
the lilac bushes shiver and shimmy behind it
I wonder if people who can't see the wind are the same ones who can't see God?


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